Monday, November 18, 2013


Ms. Mildred wrote an article discussing the law that was passed in a few cities in Texas banning bags.  Ms. Mildred disagrees with the banning of bags and believes that bags are not a major issue to the environment, and that these plastic bags are an issue and confusion to people from different state or district. I don’t agree with Ms. Mildred, I believe banning plastic bags is a great way to start to keep our land greener. At first I didn’t agree with this banning bag but when I started to work at HEB ,a well-known Texas grocery store, I started to realize the amount of plastic of bags we give out. I mean its tremendously high, plastic bags are given away like it’s noting. Once the banning bags law took in place march of 2012, it took a while for people to get use to, but I feel like it makes a big difference. Yes plastic bags are still given out but for money and not a lot of money but affordable and then that money goes out back to the city, so it’s not a waste or anything.  Another thing is if people from different states or districts come to retail stores in cities that ban bags in Texas they just have to follow the law and do what everybody else that forget their bags and just purchase one. I feel like this law is a new beginning to a better environment for our land of Texas.

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