Monday, October 21, 2013

Will Texas ever ban texting behind the wheel?

Texting while driving has always been an issue for us Texans to come an agreement on. In our country there are about 41 states that ban texting behind the wheel but we are one of the few states that only ban texting on school bus drivers and texting on school zone in most of our cities. Texas tried to ban texting behind the wheel but failed.
An unknown author wrote “Take the pledge on texting and driving” on My San Anthonio's homepage  on September 20, 2013 discussing the bill that was not passed back in April of this year. According to this article there are a few cities that ban electronic use while driving, one example San Antonia where office is very strict, the major himself is in the Mayors against Texting While Driving campaign to help with ban of texting while driving. To research done there was an estimate of 3,000 people that died only from distractions while driving in the prior years, due to this The National transportation Safety Board recommends that we should not use electronic devices while driving. April of this year Texas House passed the 98-47 bill to ban texting while driving. After an intense argument the bill was denied to vote on, and now we are where we started from the beginning.
The unknown author was very straight forward with his siding, if was really obvious that he agrees with the ban of texting and wants to encourage our audience to be aware of the dangerous drivers since the bill did not pass. I do agree with the authors augment, I do believe we should take considerate of the ban and reduce the death of our people on the road. I’m sure that it won’t reduce all the deaths caused by distraction while driving but I’m sure it will reduce enough and that’s better than nothing, anyway what do we have to lose. 

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