Monday, December 2, 2013

water drought issue willl not end

In the past few weeks we been getting a little animals rain now and then, which is great for Texas because the drought issue is not getting any better, so wee need as much rain as possible.  The Drought situation just degenerates. The wildlife are dying of thirst,  and once that happens animals start dieing, ranchers start going out of business because theirs no animals to cattle and once that happens markets and restaurants get no food to serve, then the people have not enough food so prizes on food gets expensive and then our economy worsens. Everything is like a long chain, once something goes wrong it effects the whole chain and everything goes wrong.
In the Texas Tribune the article Freshwater Threatens Matagorda Bay, talks about how the drought is effecting the Bay, one main issue is wildlife is decressing in the bay because theirs not enough fresh water, so the animals living there are needing middle ground to have balanced fresh water and salt water but cant because of the drought. Then when theirs no fishes, oysters, crabs, and so on the fishers start loosing business because markets depend on them. 
Ways to  help prevent the drought is for more rain to occure and that just out of our hands, so all we can do is wish for it. Another ways is lessen our water usage, and the smallest things can make a difference. Such as little things like using less water when showering, washing our cars less, watering our garden less, if we all try doing these small things it can really help with the drought and help clear away the problems that are forming.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Ms. Mildred wrote an article discussing the law that was passed in a few cities in Texas banning bags.  Ms. Mildred disagrees with the banning of bags and believes that bags are not a major issue to the environment, and that these plastic bags are an issue and confusion to people from different state or district. I don’t agree with Ms. Mildred, I believe banning plastic bags is a great way to start to keep our land greener. At first I didn’t agree with this banning bag but when I started to work at HEB ,a well-known Texas grocery store, I started to realize the amount of plastic of bags we give out. I mean its tremendously high, plastic bags are given away like it’s noting. Once the banning bags law took in place march of 2012, it took a while for people to get use to, but I feel like it makes a big difference. Yes plastic bags are still given out but for money and not a lot of money but affordable and then that money goes out back to the city, so it’s not a waste or anything.  Another thing is if people from different states or districts come to retail stores in cities that ban bags in Texas they just have to follow the law and do what everybody else that forget their bags and just purchase one. I feel like this law is a new beginning to a better environment for our land of Texas.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Risk it for natural gas?

The drought is bad enough, why make it worse with fracking? Hydraulic fracturing is a process where drilling large amount of water in high pressure into the ground to releases natural gas from shale rocks. Yes, the fracking technology has helped us receive tremendous amount of natural gas then before and helped our Texas economy greatly,and yes all these are great things but there s things about this process that make all this not important. Fracking maybe helping our economy but its affecting our environment and risking our health which can lead to destroying our economy.
First to be able to start the process you use several amount of gallons of water. Then you take all that water and mix it with several different toxic chemicals to create the fracking fluid. Once fluid is done is goes through the gas wells all the way to the bottom of the ground where it reaches the rock shale and starts cracking them to form natural gas, while in that process some of these chemical reach ground water. That ground water is our city drinking water, where we drink out of containing those toxic chemicals. Does this whole process just to make natural gas sound right to you? Yes, we probably make several barrels of gas a day but we also put several people in danger. Also all of that water we use to make our fluid, we need for yourself, maybe an issue to our drought in Texas is probably from all of the usage of water. But it doesn't get any better not only does it use up all our water and put our health in danger but there is research being done to see if fracturing causes earthquake, because there has been earthquakes occurring in unusual places where fracking is done. Do you also want to risk you and others lives just to get natural gas. This is an issue we need to think over to see if we should really have fracking in Texas.  

Monday, October 21, 2013

Will Texas ever ban texting behind the wheel?

Texting while driving has always been an issue for us Texans to come an agreement on. In our country there are about 41 states that ban texting behind the wheel but we are one of the few states that only ban texting on school bus drivers and texting on school zone in most of our cities. Texas tried to ban texting behind the wheel but failed.
An unknown author wrote “Take the pledge on texting and driving” on My San Anthonio's homepage  on September 20, 2013 discussing the bill that was not passed back in April of this year. According to this article there are a few cities that ban electronic use while driving, one example San Antonia where office is very strict, the major himself is in the Mayors against Texting While Driving campaign to help with ban of texting while driving. To research done there was an estimate of 3,000 people that died only from distractions while driving in the prior years, due to this The National transportation Safety Board recommends that we should not use electronic devices while driving. April of this year Texas House passed the 98-47 bill to ban texting while driving. After an intense argument the bill was denied to vote on, and now we are where we started from the beginning.
The unknown author was very straight forward with his siding, if was really obvious that he agrees with the ban of texting and wants to encourage our audience to be aware of the dangerous drivers since the bill did not pass. I do agree with the authors augment, I do believe we should take considerate of the ban and reduce the death of our people on the road. I’m sure that it won’t reduce all the deaths caused by distraction while driving but I’m sure it will reduce enough and that’s better than nothing, anyway what do we have to lose. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Hating on Obamacare

     I don’t know much about the Affordable Care Act, but I recently received a letter from my job about the health insurance they offer and the changes they made due to this act, which started to take place on Oct 1.  I didn't really have much time to look over the letter, but I should have since my parents insurance took me out because I passed the age limit.

    While skimming through The Texas insider I came across the article Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died by Michelle Malkin, who is known for her conservative blogs and work.  In the article she uses herself as an example and states that she is one of the 22 million Americans who have private insurance and have a wide variety of doctors to choose from, but now after October 1, she stated she cannot use her old doctor and that her insurance plan cannot be continued because of the new law Affordable Care Act. ACA also known as Obamacare is an act that will be fully go in effect on 2014, it is a new set of changes that will help improve our healthcare.  After Milkin explains her issue , she states how Obama has promised to help people keep their doctors and health plan if they wish,  and describes him as a “lier” who caused her health plan to die. Her Audience is people going through the same issue as her, people who lost their health plans due to the new rules.  Throughout the article she starts stating companies and people that face problems with the Obamacare.   You can conclude that Malkin is against the Obamacare because all she states is negative effects that will occur once the Obamacare takes in affect. Towards the end she is very clear and biased and states “Obamacare is destroying the private individual market for health insurance by design, not accident.”  According to me I do understand for her loss but I feel that she just too negative about this Obamacare and she just needs to give it time to sink in.

Monday, September 23, 2013

what? No Lake Austin???

If you love Lake Austin and wouldn't want anything to happen to it then you might need to be a little concern and read this .
All over the city of Austin from media to online chats there’s been a rumor that LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority’s were going to discuss to lower the water level at Lake Austin at this Septembers board meeting LCRA’s Manager of Water Operations Ryan Rowney told Kvue that the rumor was true but was only a consideration for the future to help with Lake Travis soon to be drought. This issue will not be discussed in this month’s board meeting but is only a consideration. The reason for this though was because lake Austin has been on steady-level since when it’s been created, but lake Travis has been losing about 12,000 acre-feet each week, and according Rowney without a great amount of rainfall by October we will hit record low. So if you are concerned about the lakes in Austin and what the LCRA will decide on, read more on LCRA addresses rumors of lowering LakeAustin.