Monday, November 4, 2013

Risk it for natural gas?

The drought is bad enough, why make it worse with fracking? Hydraulic fracturing is a process where drilling large amount of water in high pressure into the ground to releases natural gas from shale rocks. Yes, the fracking technology has helped us receive tremendous amount of natural gas then before and helped our Texas economy greatly,and yes all these are great things but there s things about this process that make all this not important. Fracking maybe helping our economy but its affecting our environment and risking our health which can lead to destroying our economy.
First to be able to start the process you use several amount of gallons of water. Then you take all that water and mix it with several different toxic chemicals to create the fracking fluid. Once fluid is done is goes through the gas wells all the way to the bottom of the ground where it reaches the rock shale and starts cracking them to form natural gas, while in that process some of these chemical reach ground water. That ground water is our city drinking water, where we drink out of containing those toxic chemicals. Does this whole process just to make natural gas sound right to you? Yes, we probably make several barrels of gas a day but we also put several people in danger. Also all of that water we use to make our fluid, we need for yourself, maybe an issue to our drought in Texas is probably from all of the usage of water. But it doesn't get any better not only does it use up all our water and put our health in danger but there is research being done to see if fracturing causes earthquake, because there has been earthquakes occurring in unusual places where fracking is done. Do you also want to risk you and others lives just to get natural gas. This is an issue we need to think over to see if we should really have fracking in Texas.  


Scott said...
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Scott said...

Yes the fracking issue is not a good idea and the author of this editorial makes a great argument why it is bad even though the idea of natural gas may sound tempting. This is a great argument because it explains exactly what fracking is and yes the idea of it being hazardous to peoples health is a great issue to touch on. who wants to risk drinking dirty water mixed with a bunch of chemicals? Another interesting argument is that there is a drought in Texas already why add fracking to the cause? Is the drought going to get any worse and if it does then would fracking be worse then it already is too? Thats something that everyone should consider when they read this article.

Theres maybe only a few problems I have with this article and that is the amount of arguments presented, it only seems like there is one thing in jeapordy when it comes to fracking and that is health but maybe there are some other bad things about it too?. Also, there is no evidence that it is bad to peoples health, maybe a link to an article about how bad fracking is to ones health or some sort of instances where it has been bad if such exists? This is a good article written and it should be read by anyone who is interested(like me) in this issue. I totally agree.